The Trailer

Ai Decoded

The New Age of Creativity

Few technologies have had the potential to impact virtually every aspect of society like Artificial Intelligence. Every day, new applications are introduced, each with the power to reshape the industry or market for which they were created. And while the seeds of AI were planted almost four decades ago, it’s the recent explosion of consumer applications – and the controversy surrounding the technology as a whole – that has made it seem like an overnight occurrence.

One area that stands to feel the dramatic effects of AI more than any other is creativity: writing, art, film, music, even marketing. And while it has opened a portal to a new era of creative expression, it all comes at a price – personal, professional, and ethical.

“AI Decoded: The New Age of Creativity” will examine the power that AI technology – particularly Generative AI – has wielded in transforming how we use our creativity, as well as the way we perceive it in others. Through interviews with the companies building the platforms and tools, demonstrations by the innovators using them, and commentary from legal, cultural, and technology experts, AI-fueled creative expression will be fully on display: the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Featured Voices

“AI Decoded” features some of the brightest minds in the field, with expertise across a wide range of disciplines.

Hiawatha Bray

Technology Reporter, The Boston Globe

Siddharth Garg

Associate Professor at NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Ritu Jyoti

Group Vice President, Worldwide AI, and Automation Research, IDC

Matt Shumer

CEO and Co-Founder, OthersideAI

Andrew Lippman

Senior Research Scientist at MIT and Associate Director of the MIT Media Lab

Alex Collmer

Founder & CEO, VidMob

HP Newquist

Award-Winning Author, “The Dean of AI”

Sean King

Senior Vice President, Veritone

Julia Stoyanovich

Director at the Center for Responsible AI at NYU

Omar Tawakol

CEO, Rembrand

Kevin Frans

Co-founder and CTO, ParagraphAI

The Team

Catnip Production was founded in the Fall of 2022 by veteran filmmakers, writers, and production professionals who are dedicated to creating in-depth documentaries that educate, inspire, and entertain. Initial projects are in pre-production, with projected releases in Winter 2023.